3 Thoughts for Marketers to Bounce Back from COVID-19

Every business right now is trying to figure out how their business is currently being affected by COVID-19 and how it could affect it in the coming future, but as marketers, we need to readjust our mindset to prepare for a bounce back. These are three thoughts you and your team should focus on right now to better prepare your brand to bounce back from COVID-19. 

1. How is COVID-19 affecting your consumers’ life and buying cycle? Short and long term change?

As marketers, we should concern ourselves on how the situation is affecting our consumers rather than how it affects our own business. This thought process will help spark ideas, identify problem areas and generate solutions. For example, e-commerce is becoming king now and brands will have to adapt to the new way consumers go through a buy cycle. Research, product comparison, peer review and decision making happens online now. Figuring out what touchpoints you can create within those stages of the new cycle is key. 

2. Evaluate the changes your competitors are making.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is a good habit to do in normal times, but even more now. Make notes on what strategies your competitors are using, what channels they are communicating through and what messages they are putting out there. This can be a jumping point on how to alter how your brand does its marketing. 

3. Identify areas of opportunity and seize them

After you have identified how your consumer’s life has changed and will change in the future, plus you have evaluated what your competition is doing, you are ready to start plotting your come back tour after COVID-19. Use this info to identify areas that you can take advantage of using new strategies you come up with or ones you picked up from other brands. 


Thinking about the present, especially in this uncertain time, is important, but do not neglect to have thoughts of the future. Visionaries and leaders spend a good amount of time thinking about the future. As marketers, we must think ahead to get ahead and help our brand or brands bounce back from COVID-19. 

Campaign Spotlight:

The best kind of advertising comes from stories. Right now, we need stories of hope, love and kindness more than ever. Montefiore has my favorite ad example of supporting the medical frontlines workers I have seen so far. 

ADWEEK runs a column every day where they showcase an ad that they love. In their latest column, the editorial showcased Montefiore’s ad supporting the frontline workers in New York. The ad is based on an action that the Montefiore’s Health System Hospital workers do when patients are discharged after recovering from COVID-19. 

The hospital staff at the facility plays “Empire State of Mind” by Alicia Keys and Jay-Z when discharged patients are leaving. The song is a well know anthem of the area and showcases the resilience of the city. This sparked inspiration for Montefiore and Alto, a new agency, to create the ad. To read more in depth into this wonderful piece of storytelling you can click on the picture below to access ADWEEK’s article. 

Stay safe and healthy friends.